Asia-Pacific Region

Apostle John Macknamara is the Asia-Pacific Regional Facilitator

Apostle Macknamara works with Apostolic leaders in New Zealand, Philippines and Papua New Guinea. He was the Convenor for The Australian Coalition of Apostles until the Spring of 2015 when leadership  transitioned to Apostles John and Alaine McElroy.

Apostle Macknamara built a successful Church in the Capital of Australia (Canberra) which peaked at around 1000 members currently called “Eternity Church”. He was sponsored into ICAL by Dr. C. Peter Wagner & the late Geoff Beacham and his wife Melva. Inspired by the ACAL Forum,  he started a small National Forum of apostles in Australia in 2005. This Visionary Fellowship was later called “The Australian Coalition of Apostles” with a annual National Conference which reached an attendance of  84 apostles.

Apostle Macknamara also commenced the “Ugandan Coalition of Apostolic Leaders” in co-operation with Bishop Patrick Okabe in Kampala in 2010 with 24 apostles. It has since grown to around 100 apostolic Leaders meeting Annually.

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