The 2024 ICAL Master Builders Global Gathering

Theme: Stand Strong 360!

Stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel (Phil. 1:27 NKJV).

Open to all apostolic leaders, emerging leaders and their guests.

November 11- 15 in Dallas, Texas

Nov. 11: Special Meetings begin Monday afternoon

Nov. 12-14 Tuesday-Thursday: Full Gathering with General Sessions and Workshop Breakouts

Nov. 15, Special meetings

Register Today!

If you are an apostolic leader or emerging leader, would you like to:

  • Have an influential ministry that could transform thousands of people with the message of the Kingdom?

  • Receive Godly wisdom with strategies and tactics to skyrocket your ministerial or marketplace results?

  • Learn how to be a part of a moral cultural reformation within your city or nation?

If you answered YES to just one of these questions, then you need to order the 2023 Stand Strong recordings! Comments included: "Outstanding!"  "This gathering was like no other", "Very powerful"!

Learn from over 40 apostolic leaders imparting knowledge, wisdom, insights, and revelation!

Over 26 nations were represented at the 2023 Stand Strong MasterBuilders!

See Speakers and Topics

Disclaimer: International Coalition of Apostolic Leaders (ICAL) is a private membership non-profit corporation designed to serve its apostolic members and provide general information for potential members. ICAL assumes no responsibility, liability or guarantee of accuracy or the ‘final word’ on any information, teachings, or opinions expressed in any format including the official website, conferences and seminars, publications or otherwise. It is not to be considered the ‘perfect’ or ‘total’ word or revelation on the subject of the apostolic or apostolic movement. ICAL encourages individuals to seek other sources of information and not rely on ICAL as a complete source of apostolic information.