
Apostle Phil Nordin, Ambassador to Ethiopia

For almost 30 years, Dr. Phil Nordin has pastored in Calgary, AB Canada. Along with four apostolic leaders from across North America, he also oversees the International Association of Ministries, and sits on the Apostolic council of the Canadian Council of Apostolic Leaders.

Recognized as the Ambassador Apostle to Ethiopia and Zimbabwe by International Coalition of Apostolic Leaders, Dr. Nordin continues to travel to the nations of Ethiopia and Zimbabwe where he speaks at conferences and churches, also providing financial assistance to some of the world’s most destitute people. In the office of Ambassador Apostle, Dr. Nordin has been gifted to discern the Apostolic mantle, commending many ministers into the ministry of the Apostleworldwide: Argentina, Mexico, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, and the USA.

Apostolic relationships in Ethiopia

In 2009, Daniel Makonen was commissioned as an apostle at an elaborate celebration in the convention centre in Addis Ababa by Dr. Tolesa, Dr. Nordin (together with other guest ministers).  The service was attended by dignitaries and ministers from many nations who confirmed the respect and honor that ministers feel toward Apostle Daniel Makonen.  Apostle Makonen has established over 135 churches in the nation of Ethiopia and overseas the great “Gospel Light Church” in Addis Ababa. He was instrumental in a powerful healing revival that blessed the nation during the 1980’s and beyond.

Apostle Makonen and wife, with Dr. Nordin and Dr. Tolesa Gudina and with other Apostolic Leaders and Dignitaries in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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